Safe and stable housing is essential for you and your growing family, but it can be challenging to know where to turn. The providers under Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program can help you find the resources you need.
Continue reading to learn what support is available. You can also contact us for more information. We’re here to help.
Available Resources
You have options. While the future can feel uncertain, know that programs exist to help you as you determine your next steps.
Numerous resources exist to provide housing support during this time. We’ll cover several key options.
Subsidized Housing
Subsidized housing is available for low-income families who meet the qualifications.
This can be an apartment, single-family home, townhome, or another option. If you qualify, your approved unit can depend on several factors, including your location and family size.
These options can be more flexible because the units are privately owned, meaning you can find something that meets your family’s needs and offers the living environment you seek. One housing program to consider is the Housing Choice Voucher Program – Section 8.
Public Housing
Public housing is government-operated, and, similar to subsidized housing, it provides low-income families with numerous options.
Determining whether you qualify for low-income or free housing is important. You must review your income records and compare them to program guidelines. Additionally, there are often waitlists for various housing options, including apartments, so applying in a timely manner is essential.
Various public housing agencies (PHAs) provide these options. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers more information on where to find PHAs in your area.
Additional Assistance: Maternity Homes & Community Support
In addition to the programs above, there are other resources. Maternity homes can provide no-cost shelter to pregnant and parenting women, typically until their child is one to two years of age.
If you meet the requirements, you can live at the maternity home, engaging in various community activities, job assistance, continuing education opportunities, and more. Every maternity home offers something different, but they all exist to support you as you build your future.
The providers through Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program can also connect you to other community resources providing rental assistance and more. Help is available, and you have the support needed to move forward and build a life for yourself and your child.
Get Started Today
The providers with Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program can help you find housing assistance programs and connect you to additional community resources.
You are eligible if you are a pregnant woman who:
- Wants to carry your unborn child to term instead of having an abortion
- Is a United States resident who lives in Missouri
- Makes less than 185% of the federal poverty level
Contact us today to learn more about Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program. You can also email with any questions.