The Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Program offers services to help make pregnancy, adoption, and parenting possible for women seeking alternatives to abortion. Women who meet our qualifications can receive help during pregnancy through their child's first birthday.
Goals of the A2A Program
The purpose of the Alternatives to Abortion program is to help women carry their pregnancies to term.
Once women have decided to continue their pregnancies, our programs assist with pregnancy, parenting, and access to necessities.
The A2A Program works to improve the following for qualified women:
- Help pregnant women practice sound health-related behaviors, including the decreased use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs and increased healthy nutrition.
- Give mothers and parents the information and assistance they need to care for their children properly.
- Help women and families improve their economic self-sufficiency through education, job training, and acquisition.
A2A Program Eligibility Requirements
You are eligible if you are a pregnant woman who:
- Wants to carry your unborn child to term instead of having an abortion;
- Is a United States resident who lives in Missouri;
- Makes less than 185% of the federal poverty level based on your latest tax filing.
To get started, enter your county to find services and resources near your location on our Resources page.
Additional Public Assistance Programs
Missouri’s A2A Program is one of our many state-sponsored programs. The Missouri Department of Social Services coordinates various programs to provide the following:
- Food stamps
- Emergency housing
- Health care
- Childcare
- Child support and welfare services
- Youth services
- Work assistance, including training and certification
- And many other services
Visit the Missouri Department of Social Services website for information regarding other programs.