With higher prices on everything from gas to food, paying daily expenses can be challenging. When you add a baby, costs can dramatically increase. But help is available.
Our state has agencies and charities ready to support you with food, clothing, and newborn supplies. Find out how you can receive much-needed material assistance.
Do You Meet the Requirements?
If you are searching for items for your newborn, you have already met the first requirement for participating in the Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Program. That requirement is choosing to carry your child to term instead of having an abortion.
The other requirements include being a United States citizen living in Missouri and making less than 185% of the federal poverty level based on your latest tax filing.
How Do I Receive Items?
There are over 40 providers in the Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Program who offer material assistance throughout the state. They all offer necessities such as diapers and wipes, and many have baby boutiques stocked with baby clothing, toys, and furniture.
Many providers are pregnancy resource centers. These centers exist to provide no-cost pregnancy-related services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI testing, and more. Through their educational programs, you can earn points or “bucks” to exchange for items such as newborn and infant clothing.
Although it is unnecessary to contact Missouri A2A to take advantage of pregnancy center services, you must qualify for other assistance through our program.
What is the Educational Program?
One of the goals of pregnancy resource centers is to prepare you for parenting. Babies don’t come with manuals, and bringing home a newborn can be stressful.
Many centers offer Earn While You Learn programs, a fun way to learn newborn care and parenting techniques. Classes are often held online or at the center. Topics range from “Getting Your Baby to Sleep” to “Carseat Safety.”
Each time you complete an approximately half-hour course, you earn opportunities to “shop” in their baby boutique. Each item has a point value. You can “spend” your points immediately or save them for larger items.
How Can I Get Other Resources?
If you want more information about the other benefits available, visit Missouri Alternatives to Abortion. Our network of providers offers free resources for pregnant women in Missouri who want to carry their unborn child to term instead of having an abortion.
Take advantage of the assistance available for a healthy pregnancy and beyond. We’re ready to assist you.