Pregnancy and parenting do not exclude you from having a successful career. You can empower your child to achieve their future goals by setting a strong example.
While pregnant, you may reflect on your long-term career goals. Providing for a family can create some extra financial stress, so you’re likely considering whether you’d like to stay in your current career or transition to a new one.
If you are looking for a career in a specialized field (i.e., ER nurse, cybersecurity), specialized job training is available to help make your dreams a reality. The providers under Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program can help you access vocational or technical training and assist with training fees.
Continue reading to learn more about how specialized job training can benefit you. You can also contact us for more information about the Program and its eligibility requirements.
What is Specialized Job Training?
Specialized job training refers to the process of acquiring new skills and qualifications for a role. It will look different for everyone, depending on their intended career.
You can ask your employer or coworkers for advice or insights if you already work within your ideal field. Many employers will be enthusiastic about your desire to pursue additional training, especially if it benefits the company in the long run.
You may want to move into a job specialization after a period of unemployment. You may even be considering a total career switch.
What Are You Passionate About?
It can be difficult to know where to start when thinking about specialized job training. First, consider whether you’d like to transition to a new field or seek further qualifications in your current one.
For example, you may already be a registered nurse but are looking for employment in a hospital’s emergency room. ER nurses often need extra training in patient care, emergency situations, and maintaining records.
As another example, you may be a cosmetologist who wants to specialize in haircare. Many cosmetologists offer specialized training so you can become a licensed hairstylist.
No matter your goal, you must identify what you’re passionate about and why. What would make you excited to begin each day? What role feels most fulfilling to you?
Job specialization makes you a more qualified employee. You’ll have skills that help you perform certain tasks others cannot. Depending on your job, you could also receive a higher salary or hourly rate and help your company or organization succeed.
After identifying what you’d like to specialize in, you can move into locating and starting specialized job training.
Be sure to advocate for yourself as your pregnancy continues and you prepare for birth. Knowing federal labor laws, a prospective employer’s policies, and the accommodations a training program can provide will help you prioritize your well-being as you work toward your goal.
What About Learning a Skilled Trade?
You may be interested in pursuing a skilled trade. This option can be just as personally and professionally rewarding as pursuing a degree—and the good news is that help is available.
Examples of skilled trades include:
- Machinist
- Programmer
- Massage therapist
- Dental hygienist
Rather than requiring a college degree, these professions involve attending a trade school (also known as a vocational or technical school). You may find this option to be more cost-effective and flexible.
Additionally, community colleges may offer training or certification programs that allow you to acquire needed skills without a lengthier timeframe.
No matter your path, you have options—and our providers can help make your dreams a reality.
How Our Providers Can Help
Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program helps eligible women find the resources they need as they continue their pregnancy and look to the future.
You are eligible if you are a pregnant woman who:
- Wants to carry your unborn child to term instead of having an abortion
- Is a United States resident who lives in Missouri
- Makes less than 185% of the federal poverty level
Our providers can help you find job training, assist with placement in a program or at a training site, help with resumes, and more. They can assist you during pregnancy and beyond—whether you choose to parent or place your child for adoption.
Contact us today to learn more about Missouri’s Alternatives to Abortion Program. You can also email with any questions.